hello, welcome to my one-eyed doll fanpage!
here you will find updates, information about the band, their discography etc!

- i am not kimberly or affiliated with one eyed doll in any way
- will be taken down if requested by kimberly or junior
- i am not making money/profit off of this it's a solo fan project for fun



- Kimberly Freeman
- Jason Rufuss Sewell (Junior)


- Paul "PJ" Evans
- Scott Sutton

spotify/apple music - one-eyed doll, audio rate fm, kimberly freeman
youtube facebook dollheads group kimberly's fb official KF fb fan page kimberly's instagram kimberly's twitter/x

about kimberly/oed

- bday: 6/2/81
- she's above average height (around 5'7" or 173.736cm)
- a chaos lord in adventurequestworlds
- loves frogs
- has a custom tregan syren xt (guitar)
- based in austin, tx
- toured constantly (some bands they toured with are OTEP & Wednesday 13)
- partnered with blackstar amps
- on 2010 AGT's semi finals with arcattack
- featured in magazines: Revolver: Hottest Chicks in Hard Rock (2011, 2012, 2015) + Guitar Player: Top 20 Most Extraordinary Female Guitarists (2011)
- awards: Best Punk Band, (2nd) Metal Band, (3rd) Best New Band, (4th) Industrial/Goth Band, (7th) Best Acoustic Guitar (kf), (8th) Female Vocals (kf), (10th) Best Record Producer (junior - Monster 2008) (all at 2009 South by Southwest Film Festival)
- known for "diy band" and "name your own priced music"
- "dirty" (2012) was produced by Sylvia Massey (producer of tool, system of a down, rhcp)
- has a documentary - "One-Eyed doll: a rockumentary" (2010)
- music featured in "soul to keep" (2018)
- kimberly starred in 2 music videos for the band "transfer": "get some rest" & "take your medicine"
- most iconic fit is her red/white doll dress, striped tights, black boots, arm gloves, bracelets, and long black hair

An excerpt from "one-eyed doll- dollheads" facebook:

a short timeline up until 2012:Kimberly Freeman was born on June 2, 1981 in Columbus Ohio to Linda and Rees Freeman. The family moved to Oregon in her infancy. Kimberly's parents broke up early in her childhood, around the age of five or six. Linda, her older brother Jesse, and Kimberly moved around the West Coast for several years, from Oregon to LA.From the age of 16, Kimberly was heavily involved in charity work. She volunteered in soup kitchens, blood banks, taught English to immigrants and eventually found herself in disaster relief. At 20 years old, shortly after September 11, she was flown to New York by the Red Cross and spent several weeks assisting victims of the disaster at Ground Zero. At 21, Kimberly flew to China to volunteer as an English teacher in Shandong, Eastern China. The trip was supposed to be a one- two month job at a summer camp for children, but the school Kimberly was working for got into trouble with the law, and she stayed for over a year hiding from the police, moving from Eastern to Central China and traveling the rest of country on train, boat and bus. She took a job teaching at a middle school for one year. Her boss made her sing at banquets repeatedly because it made him look better since she was a foreigner. she found her voice through that. the first song she sang was patsy cline. In the classroom, Kimberly found herself singing songs to the children to reward them for good behavior. She had many songs that she had written, but never had the courage to sing to anyone back in the US. The kids were a good first audience, because they just thought it was cool to hear a song in English and didn't understand the words. This helped to build her stage confidence. Kimberly vowed that if she made it back to the US alive, that she would attempt to sing her songs to an American audience.She made it back at the age of 22 or 23, after the disease, SARS jumbled air and land travel, allowing her to sneak back in to the United States. Upon arrival, Kimberly visited her grandfather, Bernie Jones. Bernie was a long-time musician, comedian and movie actor that Kimberly idolized throughout her youth. Kimberly told him that she had written some songs and was considering becoming a folk singer. Bernie's reply was, "Well, first we'll have to see if you're any good. Sing me a song." Kimberly's first performance was of, "New Orleans" to her grandfather in North Hollywood. Bernie approved and said that first thing was first. That she had better be able to stand on her own. She had better learn to play guitar or some kind of solo instrument, because you can't rely on anyone in this world especially musicians! Bernie gave her his old Gibson arch-top guitar and made her fix it and use it to start her music career. Kimberly really didn't think that she could learn to play the guitar at 23, but she'd give it her best shot
Kimberly got two jobs to raise the money to fix Bernie's guitar, so that she could learn to play. She worked in the day as a hostess of a buffet and crossed the street to cocktail at a biker bar at night in the small town of Roseburg, Oregon. About a year later, Kimberly moved to Eugene and started performing at open mic clubs and coffee shops, Eventually, she started playing at bars on stage while the bands were setting up and breaking down, and once and awhile at the local university radio station. Meanwhile, Kimberly worked several different minimum wage jobs and lived at first in a small apartment, and then moved into her van, like many, due to the declining Oregon economy. Her daily venues were street corners and soup kitchen lines, and she made friends with the singing hobos and tramps, who would call out, "Here comes Kimberly, the Princess of the Ghetto, come to sing us a song!". In these circles. 'Ghetto Princess" became Kimberly 's nickname. The Eugene street people related strongly to. Kimberly's lyrics about the adventures, mishaps and tragedies she'd experienced throughout her life and became her first street team.
One night after a show at the Black Forest bar, two young men approached Kimberly and asked her to start a rock and roll band with them.Kimberly joined up with drummer, Scott Sutton and guitarist, J Rock DARK to form the punk rock-bubblegum metal group, "Ghetto Princess" Three months later in 2005, Ghetto Princess had recorded their first album in a friend's garage. The self titled, "Ghetto Princess", along with Kimberly's first acoustic album, "Fat with an F" were spray painted and hand-packaged in a parking lot and at friends houses and driveways. Kimberly made merchandise out of trash, used tee shirts and scraps of fabric. Kimberly was squatting in their storage closet practice space at the time with Sutton and used phone cards and the library computer to book several shows across the US. The plan was just to go until they ran out of gas or broke down, and to live wherever they might end up. The back-up plan was to get to Austin, TX: The Live Music Capital of the World. Kimberly convinced everyone in the band to sell their belongings and join her on their first tour. DARK's newly wed wife, Rhiannon Joined on bass. Mid-tour, Sutton jumped off of a cliff into a lake in Havasu, AZ and broke his sternum. He refused to go to the hospital, because he couldn't afford it. The transmission in the van broke the same week. The group decided to try to get to Austin, Kimberly, also injured from having jumped in after Sutton, played acoustic shows from Arizona to Austin to make the money to fix the car and get to Texas, with several cracked ribs and other injuries. They wrapped Sutton in a bandage, laid him in the back of the van on top of their equipment and fed him pain killers for the rest of the trip. The group was now bound for Austin.
The four rolled into Austin on September 1, 2005, in a Chevy van filled with everything they owned, all of their band's equipment, no money and a seriously injured drummer. A homeless man told DARK about a place called, "The Austin Music Co-Op" that might take some of them in, so they sought it out and indeed stayed at the place while it was under construction that summer. J Rock and Rhiannon Dark left the group shortly after to move back to Eugene, Oregon. Kimberly played acoustic shows around Austin and got a job.. Months later, they started auditioning for new members. The right members couldn't be found, so Kimberly decided to write a set that they could pull of on their own. The first Ghetto Princess show in Austin was at the goth dance club, Elysium on Red River Street. Kimberly and Scott made cardboard cut-outs of the missing band members and played the show as a two-piece. The right members were never found, and the two continued to play as a duo until late 2006, when Sutton left the band. In January of 2007, Kimberly change the name of the group to, 'One-Eyed Doll" and released, "Hole", the album that they had been working on at Nebulost Productions, and began looking for a new drummer. After a series of stand-ins, guest-drummers and one hire-on whodidn't work out, Kimberly hired on professional actor and computer systems administrator, PJ Evans, who had been the band's number one fan and helper Kimberly named him. 'Number Three' .Kimberly and Number Three released, "Monster" in November, 2008. Shortly thereafter, Kimberly also released her solo albums, "Live on South Congress' in DVD and CD, and, "Sleep" In October 2009, they hired on Jason Rufuss Sewell, Kimberly's long-time producer and owner of Nebulost Productions. Sewell took drums, and Number Three moved to bass. They currently reside in Austin, TX and tour regularly throughout the United States. Several international tours are booked in the band's calendar, and the next several albums are being plotted at Nebulost. There are now dozens of organized street teams all over the world, seven albums and tens of thousands of registered fans.
Kimberly donates portions of the group's profits regularly to charity. Her birthday has become known as an annual public potluck in Austin, where she encourages her fans to cook food and share it with the homeless.

updates from jason:
nov 26, 2023 (facebook - jason rufuss sewell)
Okay one more reveal.
In addition to orchestral scoring, for the past several years Kimberly has created a massive amount of electronic music.
I’ve been teaching her everything I know about the physics of sound synthesis, and she’s taken it far beyond what I could have imagined. She’s been deeply exploring analog synths, modular synths, sampling, drum machines and Audio Rate FM.What’s Audio Rate FM? Think of Kimberly’s vibrato on a guitar string. When she wiggles her finger, the pitch goes up and down. If she were to speed up the wiggling fast enough, the sound would change from a slow vibrato, to something that sounds nothing like a guitar but an entirely new timbre. It will have gone “Audio Rate”. Technically called audio rate frequency modulation. Or Audio Rate FM.You’re hearing Kimberly on synthesizers, drum machine, vocals and various instruments that she feels like playing (sitar, as an example.) I’m producing, mixing and collaborating as usual.
At her request we’ve been very quiet about this project thus far, creating as a kind of personal exploration and meditation. But your reactions here to What We Are made us feel like sharing it. I have a feeling that some of you will appreciate the experimental nature of ARFM as much as we do.
We’re content making music for ourselves to enjoy, and sometimes we may quietly release bits of it into the universe if it feels right. We have a huge vault to ourselves, and it’s growing all the time. That being said, keep an eye out if you want to follow along.nov 16, 2023 (facebook - jason rufuss sewell)
Hi folks, it’s been a while!
For the past several years, Kimberly has been expanding her music theory and learning to score orchestral music.
She’s currently scoring a film, her debut as a composer, and I’m handling the sound design and music production. As always, we’re working as a team.I’m super proud of Kimberly. She crafted every single note and detail of this, and many more songs, in lots of styles.I wanted to give you guys the heads up about this song. But we’ll probably just be quietly sneaking songs out here and there without promotion etc. We’re not really on social media much anymore, so you’ll just have to keep your eyes peeled.feb 2023 (reddit -u/jasononeeyeddoll)
Hi Mr. Walrus. Jason (Junior) from One-Eyed Doll here.
Thanks for supporting One-Eyed Doll! I can’t get into the details but for legal reasons some songs have to be removed from YouTube. I’ll let you know if that changes at some point in the future.We really appreciate you. And look forward to good things ahead. That’s all I can say for now. Thank you!!
We will be releasing as much as possible on our own. I think what is up right now will stay up. And hopefully we’ll be adding more later. Thanks again!

about their disbandment from kimberly herself
may 21, 2021

audio rate fm

- Justitia Omnibus (2020)
- rain (2022)
- A Bluer Sky (2020)
- levitate (2020)
- astronaut (2022)
- butterfly (2022)
- hot squares (2022)
- the moon (2022)
- turkey tail (2023)

one-eyed doll

- Hole (2005/2007) / Holier (2018)
- Monster (2008) / Monster (Remonstered) (2013)
- Break (2010)
- Dirty (2012)
- Something About a Dragon? (2012)
- Remixes EP (2014)
- Witches (2015)
- Something Wicked (2017)
Battle On (2010)
- You're a Vampire (2010)
- Sylvia (2011)
- Footsteps of a Clown (2012)
- Brief Candle (Acoustic Rendition) (2013)
- Soft Kitty (2013)
- Crush (2014)
- Enjoy the Silence (2016)
- things of darkness (2017)

Ghetto Princess

- Ghetto Princess (2005)

kimberly freeman

- Fat with an "F" (2005)
- Live on South Congress (2008)
- Sleep (2009)
- Into Outer Space (2011)
- Secret Lullaby (2017)
- Kimberly's Quarantine Playlist (2020)
After the Snow (2021)
- Enchantment (2011)
- Love Songs (2011)
- The Missing Link (2012)
- Amazing Grace (2012)
- Colors of a Melody (2012)
- My Favorite Things (2015)
- Hallelujah (2016)
- Sweetheart (2017)
- Goodbye Maurice (2017)
- Tears in Heaven (2017)
- We Are the Small Ones (2018)
- Eucharist (2018)
- Something Good Is About to Happy (2020)
- Watching the Wheels (2020)
- Tears in Heaven (2018)
- Eucharist (2018)
- We are the Small Ones (2018)
- What We are (2023)
- Diana (2024) *LATEST release

exclusive patreon songs

Secret Song Club - Sleepy Rees (2016)
Secret Song Club - Forever Girl (2017)
Secret Song Club - Son of Mine (2017)
Secret Song Club - Gwendolyn (2017)
Secret Song Club - Faithful to You (2017)
Secret Song Club - Total Eclipse of the Heart (2017)
Secret Song Club - Keep on Fighting feat. Benjamin Riggs (2017)
Secret Song Club - Fearless Cover (2017)
Secret Song Club - Love is Gone (2017)
Secret Song Club - Always (2017)
Secret Song Club - Pick Me Up (2018)
Secret Song Club - Ecstact in Excelsis (2018)
Secret Song Club - All that Matters (2018)
Secret Song Club - The Hiding Place (2018)
Secret Song Club - Cheated (2018)
Secret Song Club - White Hot Flame (2018)
Secret Song Club - I Am The Beast (2018)
Secret Song Club - Marionettes (2018)
Secret Song Club - Lily's Revenge (2018)
Secret Song Club - Love Maryann (2019)
Secret Song Club - Lights Camera Action Brains
Secret Song Club - The Spider Queen (2019)
Secret Song Club - Turn it Around (2020)
Secret Song Club - See Ya (2021)
Secret Song Club - The Logical Song (2021)